My mother shared a great quote with me recently – “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf,” Jon Kabat-Zinn. I love this quote. I’ve got it on my nightstand and actively read it and remember it, whenever I can.
I am noticing the waves a great deal these days, and I’m noticing that I can’t stop them or control them. But I can surf. Well, I can’t actually surf, because I don’t swim that well. But I am metaphorically surfing through the metaphorical waves. I am surfing; I am surfing; I am surfing.
Life doesn’t always go the way I think it should. I can surf. People don’t always act the way I want them to. I can surf. Things seem tougher – or easier – than I expected. I can surf. I can surf through the hard stuff and surf through the great stuff and surf through the decisions I don’t know how to, or don’t want to, make. I can surf.
To me surfing means (sometimes) riding above the waves. It can also mean being a bit wiped out by the waves, but getting back up to ride again. And most surfers I’ve seen or read about actually go out into the ocean looking for waves – and then ride them in as if it’s fun.
Maybe I can have fun surfing through everything. Maybe it can be a journey – exhilarating, taking all my concentration and strength and skills, giving me a good ride, and a joyful experience. Maybe I can unlock my knees so that I can gain better balance, and surf with a smile on my face. And perhaps get knocked over and tumbled in the water, but climb back on my surfboard to enjoy the ride once more.
I like the concept of surfing. Going with the flow, riding the crest of the waves, and enjoying the ride. “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” Thank you Jon Kabat-Zinn.
And “Thank you Ma!” (-:
Thank you Ma 🙂
This quote was just on Molly’s fortune cookie! I love it! Xoxoxo
Yea Molly! xoxo