I was driving this morning, on my way to an appointment, my mind caught up in something that wasnā€™t feeling great. I was rehashing my situation and debating alternatives, looking for a perfect solution and realizing it probably didnā€™t exist. (And desperately wanting to find it anyway.) I was very focused on my problem.

Then a bird flew right in front of my car, just slow enough so that I could clearly see it. Just slow enough so that I could notice the universe shouting at me. Because it was a yellow bird, my first one of the season.

Iā€™ve said before that I love yellow birds. I love seeing yellow birds. They fill my heart with delight and always, always, always make me notice whatā€™s right with the world. They make me stop and remember all the things I can easily forget ā€“ that all is well, that there are reasons to smile and beauty is all around me, if I open my eyes to it.

I donā€™t see my yellow birds often. Theyā€™re somewhat scarce. My mother notices cardinals and smiles, and part of me wishes I did too, because I see cardinals every day. But itā€™s the yellow birds ā€“ that are so few and far between ā€“ that bring me a surge of joy. Maybe because they are few and far between. Maybe because theyā€™re such a beautiful, bright shade of yellow. I donā€™t know.

I had been looking for them recently. I sit outside every morning and notice all the other birds and I had been wondering where my yellow birds were. I heard myself ask them when they were coming. I heard myself question, what if the universe doesnā€™t shout at me with yellow birds this year? I looked and looked and looked for them. But until now, they hadnā€™t shown up.

But today one did. And I could smile. And, again, know that all is right and okay with the world.

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