It’s dawning on me again. How blessed I am. I like that feeling.
Again it was yoga, this morning, 6am class, the sun streaming in and into my eyes. And it dawned on me. I am blessed.
Stopping for a latte on the way home and sipping at the milk foam. Sticking my finger in the foam and licking it off. The sun still streaming into my eyes. I am blessed.
I didn’t have to run today – although I love when I do and I’ve got friends who have upped me to 6 mile runs. And I can almost talk through them. I am blessed.
A meeting with a client. I enjoy so many of my clients. I am blessed.
Lunch break – a sandwich loaded with hummus and veggies. Yogurt with fresh blueberries and strawberries. The freedom to work outside on my side porch in the beautiful weather, looking at the gorgeous flowers. I am blessed.
Prepping for my son’s bar mitzvah three days away. And the weather now looks like it won’t rain. I am blessed.
A chance to snuggle up with my kiddies tonight and watch some mindless TV – Chopped with one, Orange is the New Black with the other. Both are around for the summer, and both still like to be with me. I am blessed.
Their dad is out tonight…but in this country and coming home. I am blessed.
This weekend we’ll be surrounded by family we love, although I’ll miss all my friends whom I also adore. I am still blessed.
There is so much. I wanted to get it down on paper (and up in the cloud). I apologize if I’ve blathered on and annoyed you, but I had to express my gratitude and celebration.
Because I am truly blessed.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!
Loved this. thanks for sharing
And thank you!