It is that time of year. A time of year I love.
I am a mix of religions and outlooks. I have an upbringing that includes a lot – a lot of weird maybe, but definitely a lot. And so I look at this season and celebrate much and most of it.
We light the menorah and sing the prayers. I pause on the winter solstice and honor the earth and life. I gather with my father’s family – whom I see once a year – on Christmas, and eat bagels and lox for breakfast and homemade brownies for dessert.
The twinkling lights. The fact that the days will soon be getting longer. The sense of cheer and love and good will that many people have.
It is, for me, a season of joy. Of joy to and for the whole world.
And joy to all of you!
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!