I just texted someone I love dearly with the reminder – “Feel the wind on your skin this week. Soak it all in.”
This person is in a big week, and most likely a fun week. And I want them to be in every moment, to soak it all in.
When they were little I’d offer that reminder as we drove down the street in the convertible. “What do you feel right now?” I’d ask. “The wind on my skin,” they’d always reply.
A constant reminder of right here, right now. Where am I? What am I noticing? What can I enjoy?
My work is busy – very busy. It’s easy to get caught up in all that I have to do, all that my clients and business partner are waiting for. Or I can notice the wind on my skin. Right now.
I can be lost in the swirl and anxiety that I won’t get it done, or I won’t get it done in time. Or I can take one minute at a time and focus on the next thing right in front of me. And trust. And feel the wind on my skin.
I’m reminding myself that I always have a choice. I’m choosing to breathe and relax. I’m reminding myself to notice and bask. I’m reminding myself to stay in this moment and to relish this moment.
I’m feeling the wind on my skin.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!