In my Positive Psychology certification course, we had to name our life’s purpose. It is clear to me – very clear to me – that my purpose is to love. To love others. To love myself. To spread and share and rejoice in more and more love in this world. I firmly believe it’s what we need and what will heal us (which we need now even more than ever).

My purpose is also joy. Deep-hearted, full-bodied, life-sustaining joy. To find reasons to be joyful. To spread joy as well. To see the beauty in the world around me and rejoice in it. Savor it. Bask in it. Call it out and affirm it. (Have I mentioned that I’ve seen yellow birds – many yellow birds – every day? It’s as if they’re seeking me out.)

There are so many reasons to be joyful each and every day – even the hard days. And there are so many reasons to miss the reasons to be joyful. I have to train my heart and soul and senses to look for joy and to notice it. I have to remind my mind that even just a bit of joy will fuel my heart and soul.

I live to love. I live to connect. I live for joy and laughter and beauty. I notice the sun dappling on the trees. The bluest sky and yellowest birds. The snuggle with my son. The time with my friends. The ease in my heart and soul.

There is joy and love abounding, if I open myself to it. I’m going to look for it and delight in it. To luxuriate in it and wallow in it and celebrate it.

Joy and love are my highest purpose.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

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