Perhaps you’ve heard this concept – permission to be human. I was reminded of it yesterday during the completion of my Positive Psychology program. Someone in the room mentioned that the process we’d gone through, and the Positive Psychology content (as well as the people in the class), had given them the permission to be human. To have feelings. To make mistakes. To not know. And not do.
Over the years I have learned to give myself permission to be human. I learn it again and again and again. I’ve learned to embrace “Oops!” again and again and again.
I used to think I was alone in my need to be more than human. Or super human. Or above human. It astounds me that so many – if not all – of us carry that internal critic and pressure. So many – if not all – of us feel compelled to never let anyone down, to never drop any balls, to never make a wrong choice.
Let’s give it up, huh?
Just like, as we sit in stopped traffic on the highway, my husband and I wonder what might happen if everyone just went 60 mph at the same time (jokingly of course), I wonder what would happen if we all agreed to drop the (internally imposed) obligation to be more than human and gave ourselves permission to be just as we are.
I grant you that permission, in case you need it from someone outside of yourself. I wave my magic wand, sprinkle my fairy dust, and click my heels three times, and behold, your compulsion to try harder can be eased.
I give you permission to be human. Today. All day. I give myself permission to be human. To take a breath and a break. To delight in the sunshine and the flowers in my garden. To connect with strangers, friends, and family.
I give you permission to be human. Enjoy it.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!