That’s what my friend “titled” me, when she titled all of us in our Positive Psychology program. Love Embodied. It was amazing how everyone’s new title fit – and captured – them so well. It was amazing how much mine was the essence of everything I believe and every way I want to be.
Love Embodied.
We had to define our purpose in our program. That was easy. My purpose is to love and be loved.
Perhaps I didn’t receive enough love – or at least enough healthy love – when I was young and that is why I love so much and so wholeheartedly. Perhaps my upbringing in a cult was destructive, but perhaps it also indoctrinated me to love with all my heart. Perhaps my journey towards health and recovery has taught me to come from love – self-love, love of others, love for the world – and to search out ways to connect and to share joy, beauty, and caring.
Whatever the reason, I love to love. And my friend recognized this. Recognized it enough to give me a nameplate.
Love Embodied.
I wear my new title proudly. I choose love each and every day. I love to love. I am Love Embodied.
I highly recommend it. It’s fun – and soul heartening – to love.
Love Embodied.
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