I (often) believe – or know – that everything is always working out for me. I (often) remember that, and remembering that always brings me ease.

I (often) believe – or know – that I don’t have to push hard to make everything happen. I don’t have to try harder, or more, or better. I (often) remember that, and remembering that always brings me release.

I (often) believe – or know – that my job right now is to do what’s right in front of me and to also enjoy what’s right in front of me. To breathe. To bask. To notice. To enjoy. I (often) remember that, and remembering that always brings me peace.

There are many things I want to have happen. I can’t force them. I don’t have to. I’ve learned that I’ve most likely done (and am doing) all I can and need to do, and now it’s just a matter of making myself ready for it to happen…by being – fully being, happily being – in my now.

I can listen to the kids playing in the neighbor’s pool. I can watch the flowers moving in the breeze. I can pay attention to the sunshine on the trees and the birds singing in the distance.

I can make myself ready to be ready – when I’m too caught up in fear or concern. I can breathe, slow down, observe what’s around me, and find a reason to smile. I can place a hand on my heart, to soothe myself, and remind myself that all is well.

I can let go. Give in. Release and relinquish. And each time I do life is grander and sweeter. I can love those I love with all my heart, and I can allow myself to feel loved in return.

I am ready to be ready for all that is to come. And I am loving this moment with all I have.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

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