Chill out already. Take a break. Put your feet up. Sit back and smell the roses (or whatever flowers you have nearby).

I don’t think there could be wiser words.

I believe the world is rampant with too much over-doing. I believe we all could – or at least I could – stand to take a break. A big break. A much deserved break.

I had a busy weekend. Last night we hosted a fundraiser at my home. It was wonderful and delightful and amazing. And a lot of work. Today was a mixture of getting rid of empty bottles and vacuuming up leaves that got tracked inside the house. All good but all tiring.

It’s time to take a break and chill out already.

I’ve recently found a community of children born and raised in the Church. I was astounded (for some strange reason) to hear stories that seemed so much like mine. “I thought that was just my mom,” I responded. “I thought that was just my weird thought.”

I realized (again) how much it was ingrained in me that all that I did was never enough and all that I gave was never enough. I was taught over and over (and over) to sacrifice more, work harder, shed tears and blood for God. No wonder I can have a hard time chilling out.

There is so much beauty that is mine for the taking, if I’ll just take it. There is so much joy and connection and splendor. There is so much peace and calm and ease. There is so much laughter and fun. As a child I learned that it’s wrong to make these simple pleasures a priority. As an adult I’ve learned that it’s wrong not to.

Chill out already. That is my mantra for today.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

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