As we start each yoga practice, the instructor suggests we set an intention for our practice and for our day. I wait to see what comes to me, what moves me at the moment. My intention is often “ease” or “joy” or “peace.” They all make sense. They all capture the ways I want to be in the world.

The other day during practice I cleared my mind as the suggestion was made, and BAM “be here with love” flooded me. Be Here. With Love.

I can be not present, as much as I try to be present. It’s easy to miss what’s going on, what’s right in front of me. It’s easy to get caught up in what I have to do or where I have to be or to be flooded with what happened yesterday or what may happen tomorrow. When that happens, and maybe before that happens, it’s time to remember to be here. Breathe. Pause. Notice. Breathe again.

And love? While I do my best to come from love as much as possible, that can escape me as well. I like to look at strangers as I walk down the street and remember there’s a reason to love them. I like to take a moment and reflect on the people closest to me and how lucky I am to love them. I even – steel yourself – like to remember to love myself.

I think that’s the hardest one for so many of us. To learn to love ourselves. I don’t know how we learn that we don’t deserve love or we have to earn love. I do now know that’s not true. It took me a long time to learn that. I’ve worked hard to learn that.

It doesn’t matter how many of us learned that we don’t deserve love; it matters that we put that false truth down. That we call it out as a lie, and we find a true truth to replace it.

You deserve love. I deserve love. The world deserves more love.

Today I’m going lean into my intention. I’m going to be. I’m going to be here. And I’m going to be here with love. Tons of love.

I’m going to notice the breeze on my skin and the sound of the wind chimes. I’m going to be present. I’m going to allow the emotions and thoughts that flood into my heart and mind and be present with those as well. I’m going to open my heart to the love around me and within me. I’m going to actively express love to the people that matter to me, and I’m going to let in, let in, let in their love in return.

Be Here With Love.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

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