Again yoga. Again a learning. A huge learning. A duh-uh learning, but huge nonetheless.
I’m not sure if the instructor said it, or if I just thought it. But all of a sudden, as I “worked through” a pose, “just breathe” popped into my mind.
Like, just breathe. Like, you don’t have to do anything other than breathe.
I didn’t have to work through, or into, a pose. I didn’t have to move to get into the perfect stance or to fix my alignment. I didn’t have to keep fixing, and fixing, and fixing the positioning of my limbs.
All I had to do was breathe. And breathe again. I know it’s quite simple, but it felt revolutionary when I realized it.
Then I realized that “just breathe” applied to the rest of my life as well, not just my yoga. I don’t have to work through, or figure out, anything. I don’t have to move to get into the perfect attitude or to fix my mindset. I don’t have to keep fixing, and fixing, and fixing…anything.
All I have to do is breathe. And breathe again.
I don’t think this should have been so astounding when it popped into my mind. After decades or healing and working on myself. After decades of letting go of old tapes and learning new ways. After decades of finding ways to ease and slow down and live in love and joy. You think I would have gotten this already.
And maybe I have. But somehow, today in yoga, it loomed even larger, and I got it even more.
All I have to do is breathe. And breathe again. And breathe again.
Just breathe.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!