Happy New Year!

New Year’s generally means very little to me. Maybe because I have an ongoing practice of starting each day anew, and each moment during the day anew when necessary. I stop. I notice. I appreciate. I let in. I stop again. I start over.

I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. I laugh (and groan) when the gym is crowded and celebrate come mid-January or early-February when it empties out again. I don’t resolve to eat better or exercise more or stop a bad habit. I try to live those ways each and every day. And I try – very hard at times – to cut myself a break and give myself slack when I don’t.

All that being said, it feels like a new beginning today and an opportunity to build in even more self-care and mindful practices to make this year – and my life – more of what I want.

For the past year, I’ve kept a “good year box.” A list, every day, of the little things I notice and appreciate. When I look back at my 2017 list, I can see what a great year I had. What a compilation of good days. I promise myself I’ll keep a “good year box” this year.

For the past year, I’ve made a much more concerted effort to meditate every day. Every day. I haven’t missed many, and I’ve noticed a calmness in my being that wasn’t fully there before. I like that calmness, and I promise myself I’ll keep at meditation this year.

For the past year, I’ve done even more conscious breathing and even more acknowledging of my tension and anxiety and allowing it to flow through me and away. I’ve leaned into the suck when I’ve had sucky times, and I’ve done my best to be easy with myself – and with those around me. I’ve turned to others for support and love and encouragement, and reached into myself to give as much support and love and encouragement as I can. I promise myself that I’ll consciously be – and be with myself and others as life flows on this year.

For the past year, I’ve called out (to myself) the moments of joy and ease. The snuggles that fill my spirit and the beauty that lifts my soul. I promise myself that I’ll continue to call out and relish. That I’ll pay attention and direct my attention this year.

I know these practices are a constant, and I know I have a tendency to judge myself for not practicing them “enough.” But today feels like a great opportunity to breathe, reset, enjoy, savor, bask, release, notice, appreciate, love, list, meditate, and sit. All great verbs. All great practices. All great ways of being, that I promise myself I’ll allow (and instill) in my life more and more each day.

Happy New Year!

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