If you’re like me, you might have an ongoing tune in your head – about how you’re missing something crucial (and you don’t even know what it is) and how much of what you have is unnecessary or even unacceptable.

What a harsh way to walk through life!

How much more soothing is this comforting truth that someone shared with me a while back. “I have within me all that I need. And all that I have, I need.”

This comforting truth reminds me not to freak out that I won’t know what I need to know or have the strength to handle whatever may come my way. This comforting truth reminds me to accept – and even love – all that I have (and all that I am), instead of lambasting it (or me) or degrading it (or me) or discounting it (or me).

This comforting truth comforts me and brings me ease and a bit of peace. It allows me to allow calmness to fill and surround me.

I offer it to you – and that in and of itself is enough today.

I have within me all that I need. And all that I have, I need.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

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