For anyone who is wondering, you don’t sleep the night before you’re going to be on national television.

National television. Wow. Who would have thought that the book would have been launched on the 18th and that I’d be on Megyn Kelly Today on the 20th? Not in my wildest dreams.

By the time I got to my book launch party Thursday evening, needless to say I was flying and wiped out, all at the same time. Praise adrenaline to keep one going, not to mention a room full of friendly faces and love.

And the outreach I’ve gotten from other Second Gens (people born and/or raised in extreme organizations) and many, many others. A neighbor said, “Thank you for giving us all the courage to tell our childhood stories.” That is why I did this. We all have stories. And we all deserve to tell them and to heal.

The book tour starts now (well, officially tomorrow, but my travels start now). I hope I’m coming someplace near to all of you. And if not, you can buy a personalized signed copy of the book here.

Thank you for your support on this long, long amazing journey. A journey that’s just starting, and a journey that I’m trying to be as present for as possible.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

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