There are so many ways that I can feel as if I don’t measure up. There are so many times when I see myself as lacking something – or as just lacking. There are so many moments when I watch myself through judging eyes.

I try to remind myself that I have nothing to prove.

I don’t have to prove my worth – we all are inherently worthy. I don’t have to prove my strength – sometimes strength is actually not trying to be strong. I don’t have to prove that I’m working as hard as I can – I don’t even have to work as hard as I can all the time.

I have nothing to prove.

I grew up (erroneously) doubting my worth. I grew up (erroneously) knowing I was unlovable. I grew up (erroneously) certain that I was less than. Less than what? Pretty much less than everything and everyone.

I, perhaps, misinterpreted many of the things that happened around me and to me as proof that I somehow had to work hard for love and acceptance, to prove that I was not damaged, to prove that I was worthy.

I have nothing to prove.

They’re old tapes, and they’re deeply ingrained. But old tapes – even deeply ingrained tapes – can be recorded over. I can find new ways to think. I can find new ways to interpret. I can find new ways to heal.

I can remind myself that like the flowers in spring, we are all beautiful just in being and just as we are. I can remind myself that there’s no one to convince or to win over (any more). I can remind myself that my misinterpretations of my past are just that – misinterpretations. I don’t have to believe them anymore. I don’t have to act as if they’re true anymore. I don’t have to let them guide my actions and pollute my thoughts.

I have nothing to prove. Maybe I never had anything to prove, even though much of my life was spent trying to prove just about everything. I can pick a new way. I can get out of my way. I can choose joy and love.

I give up trying to – consciously and unconsciously – prove how amazing, smart, loving, lovable, hard-working, industrious, and humble 🙂 I am.

It’s not fun, and it’s not necessary. And seriously, we all have nothing to prove.

I have nothing to prove.

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