It’s as simple as a breath for me. It works every time. When I mindfully pause, and breathe, I remember the perfection that is now. That is me.

It’s so easy to get caught up in all I have to do and all that hasn’t happened. (Especially with the book.) It’s so easy to get lost in busyness. It’s so easy to get bowled over when life is tough and it feels like I’ll never find a way out. Even as I know I will find a way out, I can sometimes feel as if I’ll never find a way out.

But exactly where I am is perfect. Perfect for now.

As a recovering perfectionist, “perfection” can be a slippery slope. I so easily get swept up into having to be and do more. And more still. Having to get it all right. Having to keep everyone happy…so that I’m safe.

But there’s a difference between trying to be and do perfect (remember, my big brother once told me, “You even try to do not perfect perfectly!”) and knowing that I am perfect and that now is perfect. Just as I am. Just as it is.

It’s freeing. It’s releasing. I feel my shoulders drip back down my back and my heart rate slow. I recognize in a millisecond how much I was TRYING again, even if I didn’t realize I was. I feel a smile creep onto my face and joy ease into my heart. And I didn’t even realize I was pushing and striving. I didn’t realize I was judging now and me as not okay…until I stopped judging now and me as not okay. I stopped by taking a breath and focusing my thoughts.

Exactly where I am is perfect. Exactly as I am is perfect. Exactly where and as you are is perfect. It’s all perfect for now.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

Photo by Jonathan Hoxmark on Unsplash

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