Happy One Year Birthday!

to the moon and back is a year old this week (again, I’m a lot older than that this week as well, but that’s another story…).

To celebrate – and to spread my messages of hope – the Kindle version is on sale this week for 99c. And a signed – and dedicated – paperback version is (always) available from Main Point Books. And I’ll be on a Facebook live on Wednesday, 9/18 at 3pm EST (the OFFICIAL birthday, because “September 18th Could Be Your Re-Birthday!”), and you can register on Zoom or join us on Facebook with no registration.

to the moon and back infographicAs many of you have heard me say at least once, I have three messages I want to spread. Three messages that I think are important. I’d love your help with this, so I have two asks of you, if you want to join in the party and hope-spreading. (And if you don’t, I totally get it and thank you for your patience with this week’s blog post and ask.)

1. Consider taking 5 minutes to think of 5 people who might benefit from hearing my story – and consider sending them a link or buying them a book. Let me know whom you’ve reached out to, and I’ll send them a note (electronic or the actual paper version) to connect with them as well.

2. Consider reviewing to the moon and back on Amazon and/or Goodreads.

Thank you again for your patience with this post and for your support and any and all hope-spreading. I am honored and blessed to share my story, to connect with all of you (and with the strangers who continue to reach out to me via social media), and to, hopefully, spread hope and love.

Next week I’ll be back to a regular post…

With love….


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