It’s definitely been a few interesting weeks of going slower than I think I can go. Of doing less than I have to do. Of not being where and how I want to be.
And it’s definitely been a few interesting weeks of letting that be okay. Letting it, in fact, be just right.
In case you’ve missed my updates, I skied into a tree a few weeks ago. (Spoiler alert – I’m basically fine and extremely lucky. And spoiler alert – it’s not a smart or fun thing to do.) A hairline fracture in the sternum and mild concussion later (and way more medical tests than I ever want to have again), again, I’m basically fine and extremely lucky.
And I’m also having to go slower than I ever have and ask for more help than I ever imagined I would.
Raise your hand if you’ve asked strangers to carry your bag up and down staircases. In New York City no less. I have. I’ve asked people to put my bag up above the seats on the train…and to take it down. I hate it. I’ve not got a good history of asking for help (I’ve got a great history of being very self-reliant), and, no surprise again, I hate anyone thinking I’m not strong enough or big enough to do these things myself. I have benched 120 lbs.!!! (Clearly not recently. Currently I’m obviously not benching anything.)
I have a few other situations and issues in my work and my life that simply are NOT how I want them to be. And, as always, when I let them be fine even though they’re not how I want them to be, it’s better. It’s easier. I’m easier.
When I remember that where I am just now is just right, I feel the joy and love and ease ease back into my heart and mind and soul. When I am able to step back (and slow down) and see my now with acceptance and love – self-love and love for everyone around me – I feel the joy and love and ease ease back into my heart and mind and soul.
Where I am just now is just right. I have found gifts in this slowness and stillness. Gifts even in the two-and-a-half days I spent on my couch not watching, reading, listening, moving, doing, thinking, etc. Gifts that will continue to fuel me and fill me.
Where I am just now is just right. That feels good.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!