Perhaps we’ve all heard this saying, “Follow your bliss.”

I think sometimes we think this means to do whatever it is we want to do, whatever makes us happy. And, I suppose, that’s part of it. I know sometimes I think this means find what eases me and soothes me. And, I suppose, that’s part of it too.

But Joseph Campbell, who said “Follow your bliss,” meant to “identify that pursuit which you are truly passionate about and attempt to give yourself absolutely to it, because in so doing, you will find your fullest potential and serve your community to the greatest possible extent.”

In many ways, I feel my life is a life of following my bliss.

I have always felt extremely blessed in my work as an Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant. I have always felt as if I was, at least in some small way, helping others find and follow their bliss, be their best selves, and live (and enjoy) their best lives.

I feel extremely blessed to have to the moon and back published and to be able to spread a message of hope, self-love, and self-compassion. I know I’m passionate – truly passionate – about the lessons I have learned in my life and the tools and approaches (and hope, self-love, and self-compassion) that have saved my soul. I am extremely blessed to be able to share these with others (and will continue to speak and do book readings pretty much any and everywhere I can – just ask me!!).

If sharing my story – in my work and through to the moon and back – can help others, that is bliss. If being real and vulnerable and open-hearted connects me more with others, that is bliss. If finding my passion supports others in finding their passion, that is bliss.

And it’s also doing what makes me happy, what makes me smile, what eases me and soothes me. And it’s also sharing a smile, a hug, a laugh, and some joy.

Follow your bliss.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

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