I heard this today. I needed to hear it today. Maybe it will soothe some of you as well.
For what it’s worth, I’ve heard something like this for decades. When I first crawled into Al-Anon, they offered me, “You’re exactly where you need to be.” It confounded and soothed me then. It soothes me now.
For years – let’s be honest – decades, this saying has reminded me to be even MORE gentle with myself. To accept myself more and love myself more and judge myself less and push myself less.
I can’t be “better” than I am now, and when I actively try to be better or do it better or handle it better, it only backfires and is worse.
And when I give myself grace and compassion – when I put my hand on my heart with all the love and tenderness within and around me – it eases. I ease. I feel all the love and tenderness within and around me.
I’m done trying to be different or better. (And when I do it again, I’ll gently be done again. Please feel free to remind me.)
May you have the same ease.
I am here. And that’s okay.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!
Photo by Alyssa Sieb on nappy