Have you ever bought a raffle ticket, at an event, and down on the bottom of the ticket, most likely in small print, it says, “must be present to win?”

Must be present to win. I’ve been thinking about that recently.

Well, I’ve been thinking about it because my yoga instructor brought it up the other day during our practice.

Must be present to win.

I’m pretty sure I get what they mean when they print that at the bottom of your raffle ticket. They want to make sure that you attend the entire event, that you stay til the end, that it becomes your primary thing. So, they require your complete attendance in order to be eligible for the prize.

It also makes sense to me that my life, at least at times, requires my complete attendance in order for me to be eligible for the prize.

I must be present in my life, in order to feel the joy and fulfillment of my life. I must be present in my relationships, in order to feel the fullness and joy of my relationships. I must be present with myself – which can often be the toughest one for me – in order to feel the joy and fulfillment of myself.

I must be present to win.

It is still too easy to sometimes go on autopilot, and sometimes autopilot is what and where I need to be. But when I can be present – fully present – in this moment, with the people around me, and with the joy and pain and fear and excitement and confusion and delight and anger and ease and WHATEVER in my heart, mind, soul and being…I am more likely to win.

I must be present to win.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

Photo by Alyssa Sieb on nappy

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