I don’t remember where my yoga instructor heard this. I just know I needed to hear it. And hear it again.

Breathe in and think, “I am…”

Breathe out and think, “At peace…”

I’ve been using this pretty much nonstop…well, whenever I can remember.

Breathe in, “I am….”

Breathe out, “At peace…”

I started a neurofeedback process a few weeks ago (ping me directly if you want to know more), and I think I can begin to feel some slowing and easing in my brain. In my sometimes pretty constant, nonstop reading of a situation and figuring out and planning for “safety.”

I’ve noticed that my mind is quieter when I meditate. More able to stay with my breath. I’ve noticed that my sometimes-endless loop of mental “preparing” is less, and I can be in the moment more. I don’t know if this is because of the neurofeedback. I just know that I love it (and I love the neurofeedback).

And “I am…. At peace….” only helps me stay in the moment and in the quiet more.

Because – thank you @RickHanson – right here, right now, I am okay. I am safe. I am whole. I am love.

And breathing in to “I am” and out to “At peace” reminds me of that.

Every. Single. Time.

With my hand on my heart. With tons and tons and tons of self-compassion – because the pretty constant, nonstop reading of a situation and figuring out and planning for “safety” makes sense based on the past I had.

I am ready and willing and eager and excited for it to continue to ease.

“I am…. At peace…” brings me there more and more and more.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

Photo by Pixabay on nappy

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