“In a single moment – with a single choice – your entire life can be different.”
Thank you @jamilareddy for this thought (check out their post).
“You can start over. You can end that pattern. You can transform that habit.”
I know this, and I needed to hear it again. I do my best to live this, and I needed to hear it again. I feel myself shift as I do this, and I needed to hear it again.
In this moment, this single moment, I can choose differently and I can shift and grow.
There are moments now when I’m feeling good – like me, in joy, in peace and ease. And there are moments when I’m (understandably) aching and anxious. As you read this I may be under anesthesia again. Again, understandably aching and anxious.
The other day I was in an aching, needy moment, and I paused long enough to ask myself, “What do you need right now, sweetheart? What do you need to hear?”
I gave that to myself. I wrapped myself in a hug, put my hand on my heart, and said exactly what I needed to hear to ease my anxiety and ache.
It felt amazing.
I shifted from needy and wanting to calm and whole. In one single moment. I let go. I let myself be. I let myself breathe. I let myself feel. And I let myself soothe and move on.
I made my entire life different. With a single choice.#lifestyledesign
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!
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