In each moment there is beauty.
Sometimes it’s easier – or harder – to see than others.
In each breath there is a chance to stop, to notice, to savor, to love.
With each person there is a chance to stop, to notice, to savor, to love.
Under each hardship there actually, at least often, also is a chance to stop, to notice, to savor, to love. Even if it’s noticing and savoring and loving when the hardship ends, or the perhaps very, very, very hidden gifts from it.
Even in the midst of the pain, there can be beauty. Even in the midst of my cancer-diagnosis and cheom’d journey, there was beauty. Even in my hardest moments, there can be beauty.
That doesn’t mean that I wish pain or cancer or chemo or hardship on anyone, myself included.
It just means that, when I’m ready and/or able, I can find some beauty in each moment to ease my heart and soul.
It also means that in the most beautiful and easy moments – the ones that are unmistakably filled with joy and love – it’s more than worth my time to stop and notice and savor and love.
Our brains have evolved to be Teflon for the good and Velcro for the bad, and I can easily let the beauty of this moment slip by unnoticed…or if I at least notice it, un-held-onto.
I’m changing that, intentionally, now.
From this moment on, I will do my best to notice the joy, the learning, the connection, the love, the splendor.
To notice the beauty of this moment.
How about you?
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!
Photo by NappyStock on nappy
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