My yellow birds have disappeared for over a week. I am sad. I really, really, really do feel so much joy every time I see one.

I am also aware that I could find meaning in their being gone. My kid and I discussed this today – if I see their appearance as proof of light and love, it would be easy to see their disappearance as a sign of lack of light and love.

I am actively choosing not to do that. I am also delighting in the hummingbirds, black and white woodpeckers, and cardinals that and coming to say hello.

There is light and love in so many things.

There is light and love in all of us.

The world takes on a such different sense to me, when I remember that. When I remember that I am light and love – no matter how good or bad I am feeling on a particular day or in a particular moment. When I remember that you are light and love – no matter how you may be acting (or reacting) at this point in time.

Each of us is a powerhouse of the light and love of the universe. At least that’s what I’ve come to know. It’s up to me how much I plug into the source of light and love and joy, and it’s up to me how much I shine it out to the world.

It’s up to me how much I shine it into myself as well.

We are all light and love, and we are all deserving of light and love.

And joy. And beauty.

And yellow birds.

Even without them to watch, I sit on my side porch (where I spent much of last summer, just healing and getting through it all), I put my hand on my heart, and I remember to breathe, to be present, to slow down even more, and to let the light and love lift me and soothe me.

Even without my yellow birds.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

Photo by na_azevedo on nappy

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