I have a dearest with whom I text every morning. (One of the many texts I send every morning, and one of the few who texts me back.)

Our texts go something like this:

“May your day be full of light and love and joy and ease and wonder and beauty and all you want and need.”

It’s a little different every day, and hers and mine are usually a little different, but you get the idea.

I don’t know what feels better each morning – sending her my text or receiving and reading hers.

Because each time I send it or read it, I feel my heart lift. I remember that this day is mine, and it’s my choice as to how I go through it.

I may not have control over what happens, over people and situations, but I do have control over whether I look toward the light and love and joy and ease and wonder or whether I look away. I do have a choice as to whether or not I expect that I will have all I want and need or not.

When I expect that I will have all that I want and need, I somehow find I am more satisfied with whatever I have. As if it’s all I want and need.

These texts remind me to look to the sky and feel my heart lift. They remind me to put my hand on my heart and feel my heart ease. They remind me to breathe deep and slow and coherently and know that right now, right here, I am okay.

I am fine.

I have all I want and need.

May your day today be full of light and love and joy and wonder and beauty and magnificence and ease…and all you want and need.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

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