It was actually my sleep doctor who reminded me of this.

Or perhaps it was my yoga instructor.

It’s funny that I can’t remember.

It makes sense that it could have been either…or both.

When I surrender to what is, even if I don’t like what is, damn but do I relax. I can feel my shoulders loosen, my breath deepen, my entire being calm.

It certainly isn’t always easy…but it is what is. Wanting it to be different, or at least getting stuck on wanting it to be different, doesn’t really help me in any way.

I can usually live in dualities, and I can live with the duality of wanting something to shift whilst also seeing that it simply is what is.

When I breathe deeply and ease into this, I open more possibilities – for me, for others, for the situation. I sense myself grounding into the earth that supports me and softening into the love of the universe that holds me and comforts me and strengthens me.

It is essential to call out the wrongs of society and the things that need to shift, and there is a way to call these out whilst also surrendering to the fact that, for right now, they simply are.

It is important to notice what is not okay within and around me, and there is a way to notice whilst also surrendering to the fact that, for right now, they simply are.

Today, more and more, I am surrendering to what is and also lifting my heart and spirit to the possibilities of more ease and joy and justice and truth and beauty.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

Photo by Darius Bashar on unsplash

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