Again, my yoga instructor. Again, my yoga practice.
Reminding me of what I know and yet still need to know and to remember.
Give myself this moment to breathe. To be. To be fully and completely present, or at least as fully and completely present as I can be.
Give myself this moment to have grace for myself and for others around me. Even when I am annoyed or let down or exasperated or whatever by myself or them. Give myself this moment of grace.
Give myself this moment to feel my feet on the ground and my body in the room and my soul and being in my body. To ground. To whole. To breathe. To be.
Give myself this moment to know I am safe, even if I don’t feel fully safe, and to know that I’m strong, which I usually feel.
Give myself this moment to remember why I am here – to love with all my heart – and what my life purpose is – again to love with all my heart and to spread my message of hope and joy and loving ourselves first, most, and always. (and all ways)
Give myself this moment to have compassion for and with myself. To rest. To relax. To make a cup of tea or put my hand on my heart or simply remind myself that I am whole and beautiful just as I am.
Give myself this moment to daydream and hope and want and feel and imagine. And to commit to all that I daydream and hope and want and feel and imagine.
Give myself this moment to laugh and to play, to mourn and to grieve, to rage and to rant, to love and to care…to give myself over to whatever I’m feeling and to know, know, know that it is fine, and I am well.
Give myself over to my voice and my truth and my heart and my soul and my love.
Give myself over to the joy of family and friends and life and love and beauty – especially in this season of reflection and connection.
Give myself this moment. Give yourself this moment.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!