There is a cult hymn that can still go through my mind, that ends each stanza with, “glorious day of joy.” I am apparently reclaiming that hymn today, as I begin my glorious year of joy.
As I’ve been realizing and sharing for the past few weeks, whilst the new year usually means very little to me, this year feels different. The last year was one of much grieving, feeling, healing, learning, growing, whole-ing, and embodying – some of it intentional and some of it not so much. In my travels, both inside my heart, mind, and soul and out in the world (mostly Europe in August), I found myself in an even deeper, whole-er, more grounded, happier, healthier way.
What a gift.
From that, this year has emerged as a chance to step, live, and love even more into all of that. To live even more intentionally, and even more intentionally in joy.
As I share in my keynote on the power of joyful leadership, I know that joy is my answer, and it is mine to create. This year I will find and create it even more.
I am deep into sharing my message of joy, through the keynote and my next book, which will be all about finding, creating, and basking in joy. Letting joy fill and fuel and foundation us.
With this focus, I ask you (and I ask you to DM or email me with your answers):
- What do you know about joy?
- What do you want to know about joy?
- How do you find and create joy in your life?
I know that we can all learn from each other, and we can all let joy save and joy us.
Years ago, my therapist said to me, “Your capacity for joy is amazing considering the trauma you’ve experienced.”
In this past year, as I’ve found and loved myself more and beyond any imagined amount, my capacity for joy has grown and grown and grown.
I am promising myself to find even more joy in the people I’m with, the beauty around me, the love within and for me, the message I get to share, the magnificence and magic of my own being, each moment I’m here and alive.
This is my glorious year of joy.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!