“You really think you’re sick again, don’t you?” my therapist asked me during my cancer scare last year.
I told her that I actually knew it. (I was wrong.)
We started talking about what it would mean, if I was sick again. She asked me what I would do, how I would live. I had a very long and detailed list.
She then asked me what I would do if I wasn’t sick. It was the same list.
My therapist then offered me advice, which she very rarely, if ever does.
“Go live,” she said.
I am doing my best to do that. As I’ve written, I am excited for this year. I’ve made a list of how I want to be, things I want to do, people I want to see.
I was talking with one of those people last week, and “If I wouldn’t do it if I was dying, do it if I’m living,” came out of my mouth.
We both decided it was a good rule to live by (and worth a blog post).
My cancer scare last year was the sweetest, easiest wakeup call from the universe, because I wasn’t sick. I’m not dying.
I may not die from cancer (that is the plan), and I may not die for a very, very, very long time (that is also the plan). But however it all goes, I’m pretty much sure that I’ll die before I want to, since living is now so good.
And if I wouldn’t do it if I was dying, why should I do it if I’m living? Why should you? Why should anyone?
Maybe that’s the “checklist” we should run everything by, so that our lives, our wild and precious lives, are more of what we want them to be.
More joy. More light. More love. More laughter.
At least that’s what I want. I know I’m so lucky to be able to want that. I want it for all of you as well.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!