The weirdest thing is happening as I’m getting coached to prepare my keynote (spoiler alert – titled First Most Always…you know what that means!).

Each time we go through a section, each time we have a session, we seem to end with the same guidance from my coach.

Be you. Just be you.”

He reminds me that my presence on stage is (somehow) large. That when not on stage, when I’m just jamming with anyone, I play. I laugh. I gesture. I dance even.

He reminds me that not only is that what is “required” of me on stage, to have the performance I’m determined to give, it is what will truly help my audiences remember to love themselves First Most and Always.

What do you know? I’m just supposed to be me and to have fun.

That is becoming the mantra of my practicing, and I’ve added it into the mantra and the “planning” of my year.

Be me and have fun.

Isn’t that a HUGE part of loving ourselves? Isn’t that when our best and brightest (and most fun) selves emerge? Isn’t that when people are drawn to us – at least the people who jive on our wavelength?

Be me and have fun.

So, as I intentionally move through my days. My weeks. As I choose what’s the most true and most powerful next action (or inaction). As I be with myself and love myself (First Most and Always…and All Ways)…

I look for the fun. I follow the fun. I breathe in the fun. I delight in the fun. I bask in the fun.

Now is a way, way, way, way hard, painful, angering, traumatizing time. That is true. The only way I know to move through it and be in it (as people keep asking me) is to also allow the fun and love. Look for the fun and love. Delight in the fun and love. Breathe in the fun and love. Bask in the fun and love.

Follow my fun (and love).

I’d love to hear your thoughts, and please share this post with others if it resonates with you!

Photo by NappyStock on nappy

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