I have a dearest who is not only a dearest of decades, but who is also a kick-ass therapist, and a trauma therapist at that.

“You are the poster child of working trauma. You have done and do all it takes and whatever it takes to heal,” she said to me. “If there’s something that may help you, you check it out.”

Perhaps needless to say, I cried upon hearing this, especially from her.

My journey of healing spans decades, and yes, as I confess in my keynote, first I had to learn that there was something in me to heal…and that I deserved it. It started with 12-step and therapy and expanded from there. As I’ve written here, once to the moon and back was published, and I found the cult-survivor community and specifically the community of Second Gens (those of us born and/or raised in a cult), my healing journey got even more real. Once I realized what was (intentionally) done to my brain and how it affected me, and how it affected me still, the examining and excavating and being with and grieving (and..and..and…more than I need to write here and I’ll share more with anyone who DMs me to hear) took off exponentially.

As did my sense of me inside. It took off – and deepened – exponentially. I took off – and deepened – exponentially.

I have tried many things. A lot of things. Some I stick with, and some I don’t. I’m probably most proud of my ability to play with healing modalities un-fanatically. It used to be a desperation to find and do the things that would heal me and make me better. To find and do them perfectly.

Now it’s just an easy part of my life; it doesn’t have to happen immediately or all at once; and I know that I don’t have to be any better. I’m fine just as I am, even as I’m continuously learning and shifting and growing.

I feel so good inside. Better than I ever knew existed. There is more love, more peace, more joy, more beauty, more love.

I am so happy to be the poster child of working trauma. I am so lucky to have found this way. I am so thankful for all I’ve learned and all I’ve experienced and all I am and that I get to share it.

Go figure.

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