glorious year of joy

glorious year of joy

There is a cult hymn that can still go through my mind, that ends each stanza with, “glorious day of joy.” I am apparently reclaiming that hymn today, as I begin my glorious year of joy. As I’ve been realizing and sharing for the past few weeks, whilst the new year...
we have real influence over our minds

we have real influence over our minds

This seems like the perfect reminder for me as I start my new year. We have real influence over our minds (once again from Rick Hanson). I have been more and more aware of the stories I may be making up about other people. Even if what they do seems insensitive to me,...
finding myself within my own body

finding myself within my own body

It was a few years ago when I realized I disassociated. Just like all the anger and anguish buried deep within me that I couldn’t even sense was there because I’d been so groomed and carved by my cult to have no boundaries, needs or wants, I just didn’t know. Then, I...
give yourself this moment

give yourself this moment

Again, my yoga instructor. Again, my yoga practice. Reminding me of what I know and yet still need to know and to remember. Give myself this moment to breathe. To be. To be fully and completely present, or at least as fully and completely present as I can be. Give...
surrender to what is

surrender to what is

It was actually my sleep doctor who reminded me of this. Or perhaps it was my yoga instructor. It’s funny that I can’t remember. It makes sense that it could have been either…or both. When I surrender to what is, even if I don’t like what is, damn but do I relax. I...