by Lisa Kohn | Sep 26, 2022 | My Story
Many times I’ve heard and read that a lotus only grows in the mud. Recently I’ve been pretty sure that for me, right now, it’s pretty muddy. This is the mud. Somehow the simple fact of saying – or writing – that frees me. Because, yes, it’s the mud. Tomorrow is my...
by Lisa Kohn | Sep 12, 2022 | My Story
I don’t remember where I heard this, but it clearly resonated as I wrote it down. So many things are resonating these days. “Cancer is the greatest teacher, if you let it be one.” This is what a dearest friend texted to me today. I also recently heard, “I will...
by Lisa Kohn | Sep 5, 2022 | My Story
I have treatment #5 in a few days (or maybe the day you see this). I went for a ‘trot’ today because damn, I wanted to and it might not be at all possible in a few days. I am wobbly and weak, maybe because of my trot. I’m full up on anxiety in this very moment, which...
by Lisa Kohn | Jun 27, 2022 | My Story
I almost don’t want to admit this. I know it makes sense, based on the past I had and the way I was raised, but I don’t want it to be true. I realized I’m trying to get this chemo thing “right.” To make sure I do – perfectly – whatever it is that I need to do so that...
by Lisa Kohn | Jun 6, 2022 | My Story
I was in my therapist’s office, digging deep into a situation that I’m now facing. A compilation of situations, in fact, that were – that are – knocking me hard. As always, my therapist was about to ask me a question that I knew would help me point myself in a...
by Lisa Kohn | Mar 7, 2022 | My Story
I love photography. Really, really love photography. Decades ago, when I hated my job and needed to do something else, I walked into my therapist’s office and announced, “That’s it. I was never supposed to be in the corporate world. I am supposed to be an artist. I’ll...