by Lisa Kohn | Jan 14, 2025 | Resilience
It was toward the end of the yoga practice, and I was in my zone. Grounded. Present. Strong and stretched. Then Amazing Grace came through the speakers. It is a beautiful song. It also was a church (cult) song. Sometimes it lifts me up and fills me with…well…grace,...
by Lisa Kohn | Dec 17, 2024 | Resilience
Again, my yoga instructor. Again, my yoga practice. Reminding me of what I know and yet still need to know and to remember. Give myself this moment to breathe. To be. To be fully and completely present, or at least as fully and completely present as I can be. Give...
by Lisa Kohn | Nov 26, 2024 | Resilience
I am deep in a course on Transformational Coaching, to find more ways to create and hold space for my coaching clients – and the world – to find the path, the wholeness, and the healing they want and need. This involves deepening into radical acceptance. Acceptance of...
by Lisa Kohn | Nov 19, 2024 | Resilience
I’m starting a lot of conversations these days with, “I was listening to this podcast…” Which is true. I’ve gone back to listening whilst I “run.” There is always more for me to re-realize, re-remember, and re-recommit to. We can trust our process is one of them. I...
by Lisa Kohn | Nov 12, 2024 | Recovery, Resilience
I’m in a course on transformational coaching. It is transformational. We were asked about our anger, fear, sadness, and joy. Which of these emotions were we allowed or not allowed to have when we were young, and what was our relationship to them now? I realized I...
by Lisa Kohn | Nov 5, 2024 | Resilience
It is a huge understatement to say that things have been a wee tense and anxious. As you read this, you are perhaps on you way to vote or wondering what the outcome will be and when we’ll know, as much as you hope it “goes the right way” (if you’re in the states). I...