to the moon and back:
a childhood under the influence

Coming September 18, 2018

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Lisa Kohn’s memoir of being raised in and torn between two conflicting worlds. There was the world she longed for and lived in on weekends – her mother’s world, which was the fanatical, puritanical cult of the Moonies – and the world she was forced to live in during the week – her father’s world, which was based in sex, drugs, and the squalor of life in New York City’s East Village in the 1970’s.

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Reader’s Guide

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Behind-the-Scenes Video Tour

Join Lisa for this behind-the-scenes tour of her New York.


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Advance Praise

You really need to read this book, because it’s awesome.

Jenny Lawson

the Bloggess and 'New York Times' bestselling author of 'Furiously Happy'

Lisa Kohn shows us in her powerful memoir that it is possible to find peace and contentment despite having a rocky, unstable and often confusing childhood.

Madeleine Black

Author of 'Unbroken'

Moving and inspiring! Lisa courageously details how she collected mere threads of childhood normalcy to weave a life strengthened by resiliency and love.
Cara Bradley

Author of 'On The Verge'

Lisa’s story is riveting, redeeming and oh so inspiring. I couldn’t put it down.

Cheryl Rice

Author of 'Where Have I Been All My Life'

Lisa Kohn offers a personal perspective about life and love within the Unification Church. It’s a heartfelt examination of what it’s like to be kid growing up in a ‘cult.’ And about difficulties with family, friends, and adolescence that are often complicated and exacerbated by groups called cults due to their dramas and dynamics. Often when former members from such groups write about their personal journey and recovery it can potentially enlighten everyone who reads it. Accounts like Lisa Kohn’s are a necessary ingredient for our collective education because they give us an inside view that only an ex-member can provide.

Rick Ross

Executive Director, Cult Education Institute

Lisa Kohn writes with an honesty that will grip you immediately and take you on her harrowing, expansive, journey. You won’t be able to help yourself. You’ll be compelled to read her fascinating story—which will entertain, discomfort, and broaden you—and you’ll be better for it.  She is a fierce, true spirit, who finds her way past anything childhood threw at her—including fanatical cults, confusing love, and life in the dangerous East Village—and makes us see that healing and finding your own ground is always possible.

Tama Kieves

USA Today featured visionary career catalyst and best-selling author of 'Thriving through Uncertainty'

One person’s crazy cult is another one’s sanctuary. When you are a child from a broken home and that person is your mother (so deep into being a Moonie that you are best friends with the leader’s kids), and your father is a party-hearty hippie bartender, a lifetime of confusion, and more, is sure to follow. Kohn’s long and twisted journey to make sense of it all will have you quickly thinking ‘There but for the grace of God go I’ and marveling at the resilience of the human spirit.

Jo Maeder

Author of the bestselling memoir 'When I Married My Mother'

to the moon and back is a wild and honest ride that makes sense of complex and sometimes painful experiences with heart, grit, and courage. Lisa’s energy, infectious positivity, and transparency about her own life journey and all its twists and turns will inspire any woman who’s looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.

Kelly McNelis

Founder of Women For One, author of 'Your Messy Brilliance'

Wow. What a read. I truly had trouble putting it down.

Catherine Gilbert Murdoch

Author of 'Dairy Queen' and 'Book of Boy'

What a read. An inside look at the moonies the cult we heard about ages ago and thought was too far out to be real. Well, I guess it’s real and far out but not in a good way. This was so well written it was hard to put down and hard to believe.

Dawn W.

Netgalley Member Reviewer

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