by Melody Bridgewater | Jul 6, 2018
Lisa Kohn Follow
Lisa Kohn. Author. Yogi. Love Embodied. Finder of Joy. Memoir: TO THE MOON AND BACK: A CHILDHOOD UNDER THE INFLUENCE #findjoy #IGotOut
the barista gave me a heart there is so much pain and injustice and horror now and also love beauty joy and connection I soak all that in to fuel myself to live for love and light and truth #tothemoonandback #thoughtfulleaders #baldisbeautiful #FirstMostAlways #cultsurvivor
it can be so easy to get caught in day to day to lose sight of hope and possibility to forget why we’re here I do believe I’m here to remind at least most of us to love ourselves #FirstMostAlways in All Ways #tothemoonandback #thoughtfulleaders #baldisbeautiful #cultsurvivor
My healing spans decades and as I confess in my keynote I had to learn there was something to heal and that I deserved it my latest blog post - you are the poster child of working trauma #tothemoonandback #FirstMostAlways #baldisbeautiful #cultsurvivor
I know it’s for Valentine’s Day I’m letting it be for me a hug a hold a shot of love from the universe adoring me (and you) believing in me (and you) cheering us on #FirstMostAlways #tothemoonandback #thoughtfulleaders #baldisbeautiful #cultsurvivor